What is your motivation for purchasing a Blood Pressure Monitor?
Your answer helps us identify which features are most relevant to your usage. For example, if you plan to share your reading with your doctor or family, a monitor that connect to an app may be ideal for you.
Has it been recommended that you take a once or twice a day reading?
Your answer will address screen display output and data storage needs for your device.
Will more than one person in your household be monitoring their blood pressure?
Your answer will let us know whether you need a single or multi-user monitor.
Do you spend a significant portion of your time outside of your home, working, traveling, or just on the go?
Your answer will help us identify the ideal monitor size or whether a wrist monitor would be a good fit for you.
Do you prefer s daily view or weekly view of your reading history?
Daily view is most common, but weekly view will give a useful picture of what your blood pressure is normally like.
Would you benefit from a voice out option or a backlit display of your readings?
Even with large on-screen digit sizes, some also benefit from a voice out reading or a backlit screen for brightness.
Are you considered at higher risk of stroke or have you suffered from a stroke?
Continuous blood pressure monitoring will help give you a better understanding of your heart health.
In addition to our 9"-17" cuff, we offer a larger cuff for arms measuring 17" to 22" in circumference. Would this cuff be a better fit for you?NOTE: XL Cuff compatible with models BPA-100TRBT and BPA-900BTWT
We offer 2 cuff sizes for the proper fit and accurate blood pressure readings.